Coin Metals (14)Over the years coins (both legal tender and commemorative) have been made out of just about every practical metal, including some you'd never expect, like niobium and zirconium. I don't have all of them yet: Platinum and palladium coins are easily available, but more expensive than I'm prepared to pay for elements I already have other samples of. Zirconium and vanadium coins have been minted, but are hard to find: Some day. I've even heard that there have been coins minted in tin and antimony, but I have no information about when or where. When Charles Cowie, an element collector, told me about his coin elements, it got me thinking how many I already had, or could easily add. The list below includes only ones I have an actual coin of in the table.
Click any element tile below to get the full entry for that element, or click on the sample picture to go directly to the description of that sample.
Text and images Copyright (c) 2003 by Theodore W.Gray. |