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A heavy, silvery, radioactive metal that tarnishes in air and which is responsible, along with thorium and potassium, for the heat in the earth's core.
Lump ampouled under argon.
This is a small piece of depleted uranium ampouled under argon. Uranium metal soon turns black when exposed to oxygen in the atmosphere due to the formation of oxides on its surface. This piece has been cleaned by dipping in an acid bath before ampouling, but even so the first signs of an iridescent oxide coating have started to form.
Source: anonymous seller
Size: 0.5 inch
Purity: 99%
Fiestaware bowl.
Believe it or not, until the early 1940's uranium compounds were intentionally and legally used in significant quantities to create certain colors of glazed ceramic dishes. Most notable of these were the highly popular and still widely traded orange Fiestaware, which can be found in many antique shops: Bring your Geiger counter to determine which is genuine. Orange Fiestaware bowls can easily register 100,000 counts per minute on a Geiger counter. Despite this, most experts agree that the greatest danger from eating off them is the chemical toxicity of uranium (which is much like lead), not the radioactivity.
Source: eBay
Size: 4"
Purity: <10%
Vaseline glass marbles.
Uranium glass is beautifully fluorescent under UV light, as demonstrated by these radioactive marbles.
Source: eBay
Size: 0.5"
Purity: <5%