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Soft, light, silvery-white and the first alkali metal (group1). Lithium reacts vigorously with water and tarnishes rapidly in air forming both an oxide and a nitride.
Chunks floating in oil.
Yes floating! Lithium is so light that it actually floats on oil. It also floats on water, but since it also reacts violently with water, this would not be a good choice for long term storage. The "air" above the oil in the ampoule is actually argon. This highly inert gas prevents oxidation. The lithium was cut with a knife under oil to reveal its shiny silvery surface. It remains to be seen how long the surface will remain untarnished.
Source: Fisher Scientific
Size: pieces c. 0.5"
Purity: 99%
Lithium batteries.
Lithium is an attractive metal for battery designers because it is very light, very reactive (hence it stores a lot of energy) and not too expensive. Batteries based on alkaline technology are cheaper, so lithium batteries tend to be used for devices where their higher power to weight ration are at a premium, notably cameras. One type of lithium battery, lithium ion, can be recharged and it is often used to power camcorders.
Source: Rescued from the trash.
Size: 1" to 2"
Purity: n/a
Bipolar disorder pills.
Lithium salts have a remarkable ability to affect the mind by altering the chemical state of nerve cells in the brain. The carbonate and acetate are prescribed for manic depression and help to limit the extremes of mental state that are a feature of this condition. The sulfate and chloride are more often prescribed as straight anti-depressants. The bromide finds use as a sedative.
Source: Former patient
Size: pills 1/4"
Purity: n/a
Kunzite is the pink, violet or purple variety of spodumene, its color being due to manganese impurities. Kunzite was discovered in 1877 and was named after the renowned Tiffany's gemmologist, George F. Kunz (1856 - 1932) in 1902. Transparent specimens are highly prized as gemstones but it is too fragile for widespread use.
Source: Mackay mineral collection
Size: Pending
Purity: 3.7%