My Popular Science colum inspires Jason Foxtrot
The Foxtrot cartoon is one of the most popular these days: In my town it's on the front page of
the Sunday funny pages, right below Peanuts. I ran into the creator, Bill Amend,
at an Apple developer conference and after I realized who he was, I immediatley pulled out my copy of Popular Science,
hot off the presses with my first column about making ice cream with liquid nitrogen.
I told him I thought this would be a great activity for Jason, the most positive roll model for kids in the comic strip world today.
And what should appear just two months later but this!

(Thanks to Bill for giving me permission to post this image.)
It's a bit hard to read in the image, but in the printed version you can clearly read his kind acknowledgement of me between the last two panels.
In case you don't get the Emeril reference, he's a popular chef who has written some BAM books.
Of course, the downside now is that people have started calling me Chemeril.
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