Gore-Tex fabric.
Gore-Tex is a brand name of an expanded polytetrafluoroethylene material. (The raw material is commonly known as Teflon, another brand name in principle, but one that has become essentially generic.) Gore-Text fabrics are used in clothes because it allows water vapor to pass through while blocking liquid water. Thus you can sweat though it in the rain without getting wet. Isn't modern technology wonderful? The white back side of this fabric is the Gore-Tex liner, the purple front is some other material.
(The purity figure refers to the percentage of fluorine in pure Teflon.)
Source: eBay seller fabriclauncher
Contributor: Theodore Gray
Acquired: 8 February, 2009
Text Updated: 8 February, 2009
Price: $7
Size: 8"
Purity: 76%