| Small chunks of silicon.
Size: 0.5"
Purity: >99.99%
3D Spin |
 | Silicone implant.
Size: 5"
Purity: <37%
3D Spin |
 | Weird boule top.
Size: 5"
Purity: 99.9999%
3D Spin |
 | Silicone oven mitt.
Size: 12"
Purity: <37%
3D Spin |
 | Silicone brush.
Size: 3"
Purity: <37%
3D Spin |
 | Silicone candy mold.
Size: 1"
Purity: <37%
3D Spin |
 | Silicon carbide owl.
Size: 6.5"
Purity: 70%
3D Spin |
 | Silicone pot gripper.
Size: 4"
Purity: <37%
3D Spin |
 | Silicon with crucible.
Size: 1"
Purity: 99.999%
3D Spin |
 | Silicon carbide grinding disk.
Size: 4"
Purity: <50%
3D Spin |
 | Silicone spatula.
Size: 3"
Purity: <37%
3D Spin |
 | Glass fractal sculpture.
Size: 4"
Purity: 47%
3D Spin |
 | Small silicon boule.
Size: 1"
Purity: 99.9%
3D Spin |
 | Small silicon boule.
Size: 1"
Purity: 99.9%
3D Spin |
 | Failed cast silicon.
Size: 2"
Purity: 99.9999%
3D Spin |
 | Silicon research boule.
Size: 2"
Purity: 99.9999%
3D Spin |
 | 8" gold-plated wafer.
Size: 8"
Purity: >99.99999%
3D Spin |
 | 4" wafer.
Size: 4"
Purity: >99.99999%
3D Spin |
 | Homer Simpson on a silicon wafer.
Size: 4"
Purity: 99.9999%
3D Spin |
 | Particularly beautiful polycrystal.
Size: 1.5"
Purity: 99.9999%
3D Spin |
 | Worthless memory chips.
Size: 3"
Purity: 99.9999%
3D Spin |
 | Polycrystalline chunk.
Size: 1.5"
Purity: 99.9999%
3D Spin |
 | Slab.
Size: 4"
Purity: 99.9999%
3D Spin |
 | Full boules.
Size: 20"
Purity: 99.9999%
 | Test pull.
Size: 6"
Purity: 99.9999%
3D Spin |
 | 8" mirror.
Size: 8"
Purity: 99.9999%
 | Square boule.
Size: 3"
Purity: 99.999%
3D Spin |
 | Sputtering target.
Size: 4"
Purity: 99%
 | Fine powder.
Size: 1"
Purity: 99.97%
3D Spin |
 | Small wafers.
Size: 1.5"
Purity: 99.99%
3D Spin |
 | Stunning sphere.
Size: 4"
Purity: 99.9999%
 | Annealing boat.
Size: 6"
Purity: 47%
 | Thick 4" slab.
Size: 4"
Purity: 99.9%
 | Unpolished 2" wafers.
Size: 2"
Purity: 99.9999%
 | Mini element collection.
Size: 1"
Purity: >98%
 | 12" Wafer.
Size: 12"
Purity: 99.99999%
 | Silicon mirror.
Size: 1.5"
Purity: 99.9999%
3D Spin |
 | Less pure four pound lump.
Size: 6"
Purity: >99.5%
3D Spin |
 | Four and a half pound lump.
Size: 8"
Purity: >99.999%
3D |
 | Diced wafers.
Size: 1/2"
Purity: >99.99999%
3D Spin |
 | Rod.
Size: 4.5"
Purity: >99.9999%
3D Spin |
 | 4" wafers.
Size: 4"
Purity: >99.99999%
 | 6" wafer.
Size: 6"
Purity: >99.99999%
 | Sample from the Everest Set.
Size: 0.2"
Purity: >99%
 | Sample from the RGB Set.
Size: 0.2"
Purity: 98.4%
 | Crumb of asteroid.
Size: 0.2"
Purity: >50%
 | Chunk of 99.9999% crystal.
Size: 1.5"
Purity: 99.9999%
3D Spin |
 | Silicon Boule Top.
Size: 4"
Purity: 99.9999%
Sound |
 | Silicon wafer.
Size: 1.5"
Purity: 99.9999%
 | Aquamarine Beryl from Jensan Set.
Size: 1"
Composition: Be3Al2Si6O18
3D Spin |
 | Quartz from Jensan Set.
Size: 1"
Composition: SiO2
3D Spin |
 | Rutile Quartz from Jensan Set.
Size: 1"
Composition: TiO2+SiO2
3D Spin |
 | Rutile Quartz from Jensan Set.
Size: 1"
Composition: TiO2+SiO2
3D Spin |
 | Garnierite from Jensan Set.
Size: 1"
Composition: (Ni,Mg)3Si2O5(OH)4
3D Spin |
 | Silicon Carbide crystal.
Size: 4"
Composition: SiC
 | Silicon Carbide crystal.
Size: 8"
Composition: SiC
 | Venus Flower Basket.
Size: 10"
Composition: SiO2
3D Spin |
 | Trinitite.
Size: 1"
Composition: SiO2
3D Spin |
 | Anthophyllite asbestos.
Size: 2"
Composition: Mg7Si8O22(OH)2
3D Spin |
 | Chrysotile asbestos.
Size: 2"
Composition: Mg3(Si2O5)(OH)4
3D Spin |
 | Rosy quartz.
Size: 1"
Composition: SiO2
3D Spin |
 | Silicated Magnesium.
Size: 3"
Composition: MgSi
3D Spin |
 | Island In A Bottle.
Size: 2"
Composition: SiO2+C(H2O)
3D Spin |
 | Trinitite.
Size: 1"
Composition: SiO2
3D Spin |
 | Trinitite.
Size: 1"
Composition: SiO2
3D Spin |
 | Quartz.
Size: 0.75"
Composition: SiO2
3D Spin |
 | Manganese oxides in quartz.
Size: 2.4"
Composition: MnO2+SiO2
3D Spin |
 | Borosilicate glass Medallion.
Size: 2.5"
Composition: SiO2+Na2[B4O5(OH)4]
3D Spin |
 | Cube from Sacred Geometry set.
Size: 1"
Composition: SiO2
3D Spin |
 | Dodecahedron from Sacred Geometry set.
Size: 1"
Composition: SiO2
3D Spin |
 | Icosahedron from Sacred Geometry set.
Size: 1"
Composition: SiO2
3D Spin |
 | Octahedron from Sacred Geometry set.
Size: 1"
Composition: SiO2
 | Tetrahedron from Sacred Geometry set.
Size: 1"
Composition: SiO2
3D Spin |
 | Wet rock from Nanjing.
Size: 1"
Composition: SiO2
3D Spin |
 | Hafnon from Jensan Set.
Size: 0.3"
Composition: (Hf,Zr)[SiO4]
3D Spin |
 | Allophane.
Size: 1.2"
Composition: (Al2O3)(SiO2)1.3-2+2.5-3H2O
3D Spin |
 | Arrowhead.
Size: 1.5"
Composition: SiO2
3D Spin |
 | BotryoidalAgate.
Size: 2"
Composition: SiO2
3D Spin |
 | Silicon nitride skateboard bearing.
Size: 0.75"
Composition: Si3N4
3D Spin |
 | Silicon nitride milling bit insert.
Size: 0.5"
Composition: Si3N4
3D Spin |
 | Silicon nitride ball bearings.
Size: 0.375"
Composition: Si3N4
3D Spin |
 | Silicon Carbide crystals.
Size: 0.25"
Composition: SiC
3D Spin |
 | Large Synthetic Quartz.
Size: 4"
Composition: SiO2
3D Spin |
 | Quartz window.
Size: 0.5"
Composition: SiO2
3D Spin |
 | Quartz slice.
Size: 0.5"
Composition: SiO2
3D Spin |