Museum-grade sample.
In early 2004 Max Whitby and I started selling individual element samples identical or similar to the samples we use in the museum displays we build. These are top-quality samples presented in attractive forms appropriate to the particular element. They are for sale from Max's website and also on eBay where you will find an ever-changing selection of samples (click the link to see the current listings).
This stunning titanium crystal bar is scrap left over from refining high-purity titanium by hot wire decomposition of titanium iodide. There is a molybdenum electrode sticking out one end of each, while the other end is sawn off: The original bar was much longer. Titanium is no longer refined using this process and there is a very limited stock of these ends left in the world.
The diameter varies somewhat as shown in the photo, and some have flat areas, but all show interesting dendritic crystals. Very occasionally one will have a fissure that allows one to see how the crystals grow out from the center.
Source: Theodore Gray
Contributor: Theodore Gray
Acquired: 15 November, 2004
Text Updated: 11 August, 2007
Price: See Listing
Size: 6"
Purity: >99.99%
Sample Group: RGB Samples